I downloaded the CineFlat picture control and boy did it make a HUGE difference! So much more dynamic really took my videos to the next level. Lumayan daripada download di tempat lain muter2 di pingpong ga karuan.:D versi lengkap picture style Kevin Wang berisi: - 20 Preset Picture Style. Yaahhh gratiss!! Tersedia buat kamera CANON & NIKON. Ane mau bagi2:hn preset Picture Style/Picture Kontrol KEVIN WANG. Thanks to for recommending Unofficial Nikon for custom downloadable picture control profiles for your camera.

I had NO idea that you can add custom picture control to some Nikon DSLRs. Neutral was better but still had very poor dynamic range.

Standard is too constrasty (forget vivid and landscape, no dynamic range whatsoever). The included picture profiles for the D600/D610 just suck.