This study aims to determine the needs of health and safety learning media design that will be used in the learning process. Therefore we need a study that examines the needs of learning media. Jurnal Pendidikan Pustakawan, 100-103.In order to help teaching and learning activities in order to achieve learning objectives, learning media that are needed according to the needs and demands of the times are needed. Perpustakaan Sekolah dan Masyarakat Pemakai. Optimalisasi Budaya Literasi di Kalangan Mahasiswa. Panduan Gerakan Literasi di Sekolah Dasar. Jurnal UI Untuk Bangsa Seri Sosial dan Humaniora, 50-62. Optimalisasi Budaya Literasi Di Kalangan Mahasiswa: Upaya Meretas Komunikasi Global. Mendidik Lewat Literasi Untuk Pendidikan Berkualitas. Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif Kualitatif dan R&D. Penelitian Kuantitatif Kualitatif dan R&D. Menumbuhkan Budaya Literasi Melalui Buku Digital. Literasi Dini dan Literasi Remaja : Teori, Konsep, dan Praktik. Kesulitan Siswa Sekolah Dasar Dalam Meningkatkan Kemampuan Literasi. Jakarta: Kepustakaan Populer Gramedia (KPG).

Gempa Literasi (dari kampung untuk nusantara). This means that the literacy ability of Tadulako University Primary School Teacher Education students is still quite sufficientīara, A.

Students prefer to answer sometimes and at least answer never. So based on these data it can be concluded from several alternative indicators that are available. From the results of this study indicate that of the 40 student respondents that can be seen from the percentage of answers is always at 12%, while 16% answered frequently, 36% answered occasionally, 25% answered rarely, and 11% answered never. And quantitative data in the form of numbers in the questionnaire.

Qualitative data is data that is descriptive in nature, information and information in the form of numbers. Furthermore, the collected data is processed and analyzed using qualitative data and quantitative data analysis as a support. The sample in this study were class B class 2018 students of Tadulako University Elementary School Teacher Education totaling 40 students, 6 men and 34 women, the data collection techniques used were questionnaires, interviews, and documentation. This study aims to determine the literacy ability of students at the Tadulako University Primary School Teacher Education.